Wednesday, January 25, 2012

lose a pound and find a calculator.

Word to the wise: If you ever get divorced, don't do your own packing. Hire someone to (or better yet, make your ex) pack all of your things for you in an organized manner. Apparently, I was too sad to pack efficiently?!?!?! Sigh. I found all my movies in the same box as my pots and pans, and cutting boards in with all my books. I'm awesome.
On a lighter note, I found my TI 84 calculator that would cost me about $125-150 to replace. PHEW!
I also found my 5 year old camera: still in perfect working condition. Now I have no excuse not to take pictures.
Now all I need to do is find my dang passport....

Alright, now here's my shreditup update: 2 days down, 28 to go with Jillian Michaels' 30-day Shred. 
1 lb down, 39 to go before the summer vacations come and people have to see me in a swimsuit. 
In regards to my weight:
"-I don't want to assign in a number...
-What would you assign it? A color? A locker?"--Baby Mama
I refuse to reveal the actual number, so just know that I weight Awesome+40.
WAIT!!!!!! Awesome+39. :)

Monday, January 23, 2012


I recently joined twitter.
I used a hash tag...
I started working out today.

I'm officially a twitwhore. I think I've tweeted like 4 times today already and generally speaking I have very strict rules about posting (whether by facebook or another social media outlet) more than once a day. Also, I only have like 2 followers. I'm totally OK with this. I love that I can say whatever I want without the fear of offending someone or looking/sounding ridiculously stupid. Bonus number two: I can talk about my boyfriend and he has no idea. :)
Last night WOULD have been a perfect example:
Except Ben texted me this morning, "So you tweeted about us talking in spanish last night?"
He was hesitant to reveal his source, but since I only have two followers and he only knows one of them... @happilyheidi was busted.
Either way, Twitter is still great for hashtags.
Here's what I found:
Generally, I just like to put a word after the hash that makes my statement funny or ironic. Whoops. I'm still learning.
Needless to say, bear with me as I learn how to use them properly.

On the subject of doing new things. I started working out today.
1 down, 29 to go. I'm also doing a low-carb, high-protein diet that should help me shed weight for Mexico and San Diego this summer. Here's to a great body some day!

Thanks for listening, folks. Follow me on Twitter if you want to hear way more about my life than anyone has ever cared to know. #guaranteedtoannoyyouinadayortwo.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'm the best babysitter I know.

Today, while I was babysitting my super cute 1 year old niece, Quinn... I looked over to see her crawling towards me. I stopped and smiled at her and made some pointless comment in a cute baby voice. It must have pissed her off to exhaustion because the next thing I know I heard one tiny little whimper and then she just laid down and went to sleep right on the floor.

All of this, of course, is after she cried in her crib for about 10 minutes straight until I was thoroughly convinced she wasn't tired. 

Cute babies make me smile. :) 
Hope you smiled too. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new year, same old (awesome) Mallory

Happy 2012, all! It's going to be a great year. just like all 22 years prior to it! (it was hard to be a great year without me...)
With the new year, I feel it's appropriate to reflect and resolve.

Without further ado, let's reflect:
My friend Heidi and I have been marveling over where we were a year ago. Without discussing any nitty gritty details, it's safe to say we've both had quite the journey this year. When I think about the last twelve months and everything that happened, I'm literally filled with joy. Although it's been a long, HARD, sad journey, I'm so relieved to be able to look back and smile.

Resolutions are overrated. (For me at least.) I NEVER keep them. I never even bother to think about them again past the first week of the new year. I always end up sinking back into old habits and forgetting I even wanted to be better. So this year my resolution is to be exactly who I was last year.
Don't get me wrong here: I have PLENTY of terrible habits that I would LOVE to resolve to change. But given my previous history with resolutions I'm going at this from a different angle this year.
I spent the last year of my life being stronger than I ever thought I would have to be. I came out of it with grace, dignity, and (as surprising as it may be) more confidence than ever. So I figure: If I resolve to be the same girl I found myself being lately, then 2012 is bound to be spectacular. So even if 2012 brings more pain and trials than 2011 did, I just hope that in one year when 2013 rolls around, I can look back at whatever this year brought me and smile. :)

And for the record, I intend on having copious amounts of wholesome fun this year. ;)

So I've reflected, I've resolved...
Have a great year everyone! :)