Sunday, December 18, 2011

we're killing three birds with one stone here

*No animals were harmed in the making of this blog post.*
 Since I'm such a terrible blogger, we're going to wrap up November, December, and January into one big blog post. This way, if you get anything else out of me in December and January it will be a giant bonus.

No Shave November.
Muh Birthday.

I love men with scruffy faces. Full-on beards... they're gross. (Explicit language to follow) They look like you're growing pubic hair out of your face. Gross.

Woop! I'm 22! (I intended on writing a big long "22 things you didn't know about Mallory" post, but let's face it. I'm not that interesting.)

This year for Thanksgiving, I found myself being thankful for so much in so few words. I'm grateful for all of the basics: Friends, Family, Jobs, Houses...etc. Mostly, I am just SO thankful for all of the trials we go through in our lives. I've had the opportunity to learn so much about myself this year and I can't imagine trying to go back to who I was before. I am a strong, beautiful, talented, driven person and I wouldn't trade that knowledge for anything.


I love Christmas. Music, lights, treats, hot chocolate, friends, family, church, cold weather... nothing in the world could beat this time of year. :)

Bucket List.

I started compiling a bucket list this month. I've decided that resolutions are pointless and I never do them/stick to them so I'm making a list. But I think rather than it being a bucket list I've decided these are all things I want to do with a future spouse before we get married/have kids. Which isn't to say I don't want those things... I just know how crazy and hectic and stressful life can get after marriage/kids and it would be great to enjoy these things before all of that calamity.  
Here's just a few:
-Go ice skating in central park.
-Spend Christmas in NYC
-Sleep on the beach
-Watch a sunset/Stay up to watch the sunrise
-Run a marathon

Well there you have it, folks. One post: Three months.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Lessons Learned

Here's a few lessons I've learned recently about life, love, and being single again.
1: In dating, there is no rejection that a few good country music songs, a little apple cobbler, and a good chick flick won't fix. (Now it's time to get back on my diet! Swimsuit season will be here before I know it)
My go to country music: Zac Brown Band. All day every day. Loves of my life.
Cherry Apple Cobbler might be the best thing I've ever tasted. (Ask me for the recipe if you'd like it!)
No matter how many times I date someone who is less than deserving, I'll always believe in love and finding someone great because of chick flicks. :) "Getchyoself some ribs and some ice cream, because you have been dumped."
2: A good hair day should never be wasted on a bad day. So when your hair is good... Nothing else should matter.
I just went dark with my hair again, and I LOVE it.

3: Sometimes, even when you fight with your best friend, she is still right when she tells you how great you are. Thanks, Heidi!!!!
Everyone always sees it better than you. So listen to your friends and family when they say how great and beautiful you are. Even if you don't believe it.
I don't always want to believe it, but no matter what happens, I'm healthy, beautiful, and happy. :)

Some other minor lessons:
-There's no better weather than pea coat, boots, and scarves weather.
-Nude nail polish colors are the best.
-It's always fun to plan a wedding on pinterest even if your not dating anyone.
-Dark hair is so great. My wardrobe has been seriously diversified.

All of these are great lessons. I hope that my niece will look at this blog three years from now and learn from these lessons because her life will be so much easier! Haha. You're welcome, Jorden!

Alright, last but not least, one final lesson.
Everyone comes into your life for a reason but a lot of them will leave your life for a reason too. So rather than dwell on the sadness of a lost friendship; remember the good times, dwell on the happy parts, and most importantly: Be grateful for the lesson learned.